Frame displays for sale
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Multiple large wooden frame displays with posts and storage for sale. This would be great for someone starting an optical, remodeling their current optical, or just needing more frame display space.
-One display stretches the full length of one of our walls with a big mirror in the middle and a good amount of storage underneath two of the sections. We currently display approx. 250 frames on this display.
-Another display is approx 4\' wide, floor standing, and holds over 50 frames, plus has storage beneath and a glass display area.
-Two displays, floor standing, each holding 28 frames plus storage underneath.
There are some pictures of them on our Google listing, but we can also send pictures, or you can come see them in person. We would like them gone soon as we have started our remodel. You must be able to transport them within a reasonable time frame. Price negotiable.
Contact:Z or Dr. Jed
Home Phone:8015693698
Work Phone:8015693698